Rainy Sunday
Today was unusually cold and rainy, probably about 40 out. Perfect snuggle weather if you ask me. Jon had to work today, so we ate a quick brunch and I sent him on his way. Leaving me up to my own devices to be as productive with the rest of this rainy day.
I've been working on putting the final touches on my apartment lately. I moved in about 2 years ago and love it! Today I was going to visit this great Antique shop down the block from where I live called the Penn Dutchman. I was hoping to find some lace for a new bed skirt. It's run by a little old man, James Mowery, who lives across the street. I've been in over a dozen times since I moved to the area and he never remembers me. I always get the same schpeal. "Have you been here before? You know we have 13 rooms?". Yes, yes I do know that. Anyways, they were closed so I headed home. I put on 28 days later, and decided to work on some coaster/ pictures. I found these great antique frames at forever21 yesterday, and put an old Jane Eyre poster in them.I think they look rather lovely. They'll either be used as actual pictures, or as coasters for my coffee table (pictures of that to come later). I made it out of an old wine box and printing press tray that I found at the Penn Dutchman . But alas another quick blog, I need to get crackin' on cleaning out my closets. Summers a comin' and I best be ready! Bye!